Applications by post (PC8 - renewals for children under the age of 16 only)
Child passport renewal applications (PC8) can be mailed-in provided the applicant is:
- under the age of 16 (i.e. 15 or below);
- has previoulsy held an Australian passport
If you can answer yes to the above, complete a PC8 passport application online.
For first-time child applications and applicants aged 16 or 17, the application must be lodged in person by appointment only. Appointments can be made here:
Urgent Travel
If you have urgent travel, please contact the High Commission in Pretoria at [email protected] for further advice.
1. Get the form
Fill out the passport application at the global website and print it off. You will need to create an account first. When you fill out your application form online, you will automatically be directed to the correct form and a list of required supporting documents will be available.
You will need to send us the completed form, two passport photographs and certified copies of relevant documents as per the next steps.
2. Print, sign and date your form.
Print: You may need to adjust your print settings so that the top/bottom of the pages are not cut off.
Sign: Make sure all sections are signed and witnessed where required before you send the form to us.
Date: Signatures are valid for six months only.
Children 10 years or older must provide a signature unless there is a medical reason or disability that prevents them from signing.
Parental Consent is required for a child passport. Everyone who’s giving consent must sign section 15 of the form in front of a witness. Parents are not able to witness each other’s signatures. The witness must be an unrelated third party.
3. Parents' proof of identity
Please submit certified copies of both parents’ ID showing their name, photo and signature and a certified copy of proof of address, such as a utility bill, bank account or lease agreement.
Name changes: If the current names of either parent are different to how they appear on the child’s birth certificate, please include certified documents that explain the change of name.
Certified copies must be of good quality and may be presented in either colour or black and white.
4. Photographs and Guarantor
We recommend that you have your photos taken by a photographer showing them the photograph guidelines. Photos taken in photo booth will likely be rejected.
A guarantor must sign the application and endorse the back of one photo for all PC8 applications and certify relevant copies. The guarantor cannot be related to the applicant.
Click on learn more for a full list of guarantors.
Learn more
5. Sending your application and payment
Send your application via courier to:
Passport Office
Australian High Commission, Pretoria
292 Orient street, Arcadia 0083
Please note that you are not required to mail the previous passport of the applicant, nor certified copies of their birth and citizenship certificate if they were provided with the last application.
The following credit card authorization form must be printed, completed and signed by the applicant or another person wishes to pay for the passport application by credit card only.
6. Processing time
Please refer to our ‘Passport Services’ page for the up-to-date processing times. PLEASE NOTE: incomplete applications will cause delays. You should factor these timeframes into your travel plans. It is your responsibility to keep your Australian passport valid.
Your passport remains valid while the application is being processed and will be cancelled electronically 30 days after we have sent out your new passport.